
S. Lee Reidl

My childhood across three continents instilled a love for the diverse expressions of the Divine – from geography to language and symbols;  cultural celebrations to healing practices. The perspectives I experienced at a young age also nourished my curiosity and intuitive capacity. My path led from working with all things ‘foodist’ to studying Anthropology, Ecological gardening, and Permaculture. I have since become a Cultural Emergence facilitator and stepped into the healing arts as a Sound, Acutonics, and Tameana practitioner.  I began my healing journey in 2001 after a traumatic family event led to a health diagnosis that I wanted to pay attention to. I am blessed by having experienced many modalities in the decades since, with incredible practitioners appearing before me in any place I have been living.  This path hasn’t always been comfortable, rational, or created quick results for me. It has led to a transformation in all aspects of my life.  Orienting my life to be guided by synchronicity continues to teach me humility in experiencing my Divinity. I am often in awe of the unique, innate intelligence in the body. For all the intensity, discomforts, uncertainties, and big changes of these times, I am grateful to be alive – even when I’m feeling really uneasy in my physical, mental, or emotional body.

For me, this transformative work is deeply beautiful in holding both aspects of remembering and emergence. 

I facilitate Sound, Acutonics, Tameana, and Cultural Emergence experiences in person and via distance sessions.

I look forward to working with you.